Sunday, January 17, 2010

Owl Mittens!!

My mom complains about cold hands and feet all the time. We've tried buying her mittens, but she still comes back not being able to feel anything in her fingers, so, finally, I decided to whip her up a pair of mittens from Lion Brand's extra warm Wool-ease. She wanted them to have an owl pattern on them- and so were born the Owl Mittens. If I were to make them again, I'd definitely make them with a yarn that shows patterns and cabling better, since the cute little owls are kinda lost!

Here's the pattern:

CO 30 stitches, join in round.

Row 1-3: [k1, p1] to end
Row 4: [k1, p1] x7, place marker, M1R, k1, M1L, place marker, p1, [k1, p1] to end
Row 5&6: [k1, p1] to end
Row 7: k7, M1, k7, sm, M1R, k all stitches between markers, M1L, sm, k to end
Rows 8&9: k to end
Row 10: k14, sm, M1R, k all stitches between markers, M1L, sm, k to end
Row 11: k to end
START OWL (underline notates using contrast color)
Row 12: k14, sm, k all between, sm, k2, p1; k12; p1 
Row 13: k14, sm, M1R, k all between, M1L, sm, k2, p1; k12; p1
Row 14: k14, sm, k all between, sm, k2, p1; k12; p1
Row 15: k27, p1; k12; p1
Row 16: k2, M1, k12, place all stitches between markers on holder, CO 2, k2, p1; k2, k8 in contrast color, k2; p1

Row 1-3: [k1, p1] to end
Row 4: k1, p1, place marker, M1R, k1, M1L, place marker, p1, [k1, p1] x13
Row 5&6: [k1, p1] to end
Row 7: k1, M1, k1, sm, M1R, k all stitches between markers, M1L, sm, k to end
Rows 8&9: k to end
Row 10: k2, sm, M1R, k all stitches between markers, M1L, sm, k to end
Row 11: k to end
Row 12: k2, sm, k all between, sm, k14, p1; p12; p1 
Row 13: k2, sm, M1R, k all between, M1L, sm, k14, p1; k12; p1
Row 14: k2, sm, k all between, sm, k14, p1; k12; p1
Row 15: k27, p1; k12; p1
Row 16: k1, M1, k1, place all stitches between markers on holder, CO 2, k14, p1; k2, k8, k2; p1

Row 17: k19, p1; k2, C4B, C4F, k2; p1
Rows 18-24: k19, p1; k2, k8, k2; p1
Row 25: k19, p1; k2, C4B, C4F, k2; p1
Row 21: k19, p1; k2, k8, k2; p1
Rows 22&23: k19, p1; k2, k1, p2, k2, p2, k1, k2; p1
Rows 24&25: k19, p1; k2, k8, k2; p1
Row 26: k19, p1; k2, C4B, C4F, k2; p1
Row 27: k19, p1; k2, k8, k2; p1
Rows 28-30: k19, p1; k12; p1
Row 31: k19, p1; p12; p1


Rows 32-34: k to end
Row 35: k2, k2tog, k11, ssk, k to end
Row 36: k all
Row 37: k1, k2tog, k11, ssk, k to end
Row 38: k to end
Row 39: k2tog, k5, k2tog, k4, ssk, k11, slip last stitch to next row
Row 40: k2tog, k10, ssk, k1, k2tog, k6, k2tog, slip last stitch to next row
Row 41: k2tog, k2, sssk, k3tog, k2, ssk, k1, sssk, k3tog, slip last stitch
Row 42: [k2tog] x3, [ssk] x3

Break, thread through live stitches. Cinch and tie off thread.

Divide 9 stitches as 3-3-3 across the needles
Row 1: Knit across all stitches, pick up five in the gap
Row 2: Knit to last five stitches, k two together, k three together
Rows 3-12: K
Rows 13&14: K2tog until 4 remain, break, cinch, thread

Now wear!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Ugly Dragon

So, here's the namesake himself, looking particularly smashing on the purple backdrop. First crocheted project ever. He comes from this pattern, here:

I just added some color to him, to use up some purple and white yarn. C'mon, he's kinda cute!